About Me

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Santa Cruz, CA
living, and loving people. in the midst of my humanity.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

a blog from one of my seniors.

through pain and struggle...this blog is amazing. My favorate part is the last two paragraphs.
this student surpasses me in her ability to write, express life with words, and english in general.

I am Proud of her.

Picasso had nothing on God.

November 26, 2007, 10:26 pm Filed under: God

Nor did Shakespeare, Matisse, or Boyle, Einstein, or Mozart, Da Vinci, or Andy Warhol.
Plato, Aristotle, and Augustine have nothing on God.
Nor did Napoleon, Elizabeth the 1st, or Franklin D. Roosevelt.

What I’m trying to say is: God is bigger, greater, more important, more intelligent, & more capable than any of artist, musician, philosopher, ruler, scientist, or author known to man. God is stronger than any Iron Man, God is more majestic than any Taj Mahal or Crystal Palace, God is better, stronger, faster, harder than any Kanye West or Alicia Keys (and more in tune). God…. is…. God.

So why do we insist on God being Human.Can’t we see that we are broken, flawed, fragile, uncreative, distractive, ignorant, and inconsiderate people?
Why do we want a God who follows that?
Because we can tame that god.
Because we can define that god.
Because we can deal with that god.

Guess what…. that defined, tamed, dealt with god… isn’t our God.
Our God may have made us in his image, but I’m sure he didn’t give us his mind.
Our God doesn’t fit in some pretty packaged christmas box.
Our God doesn’t go along with our world, God IS our world.

Why do we presume we know what God wants?
We don’t even know what we want.

Why do we insist on forcing our God into a chinese takeout box, conveniently packed to cater to our politics, desires, wants, and prejudices.

My God is bigger than “THE CHRISTIAN RIGHT”
My God is stronger than any seven day theory. I call my God my Abba, my Father because he isn’t some pretty little idol with a bow on his head.


I believe:
I believe that the periodic table of elements is the single most convincing evidence for God’s presence.
I believe that gay, straight, bi, and just plain confused people… are people, all the same.
I believe we are all sinners, we are all broken, and we are all covered under His grace if we choose to accept it.
I believe that the Bible is full of amazing stories, full of moral teachings, actual happenings, and amazing tales.
I believe it is inspired by God.
I believe it was written to be a book upon how we base our lives.
I do not believe that it is infallible, that is it absolute truth.
I believe the word of God is absolute truth, I just don’t have faith in our human dictation of what He said.
I believe in intelligent design.
I believe in some form of evolution, as the creation of the world happened over thousands of millions of years.
I believe in childlike faith, and living with a reckless abandon for God.
I believe that life is hard, unfair, tough, and challenging.
I believe that God can deal with my life.
I believe that God cares more about the journey than the destination.
I believe that there aren’t some answers for some tough questions.
I believe that God is okay with that.

I believe that my God can’t fit in a box.
My God doesn’t go with accessories, or extras.
My God doesn’t need shiny paper to be beautiful.
My God is my God.

And if your God isn’t your God,
I don’t think we are worshipping the same God here.


trinity said...

That is great, and it goes really well with our topic tonight at youth group, so I might share it. Very impressive and encouraging.

Melinda said...

rad...you must tell me how it goes.

yes indeed very impressive.

she puts me to shame! wink.

trinity said...

I thought it went over really well. How was last night for you guys?

Melinda said...

It went really well we talked about poverty, and went out to collect blankets for Ben at the rescue mission. I know we are all not getting together to bring them down. But we still felt like we should actually do something.

It went well.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just wanted to say...
well, I think you should check your source again... I believe THEY may have edited it... to make it better.

You know, sometimes it takes a second coat of paint to really show the beauty in the art.

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