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Santa Cruz, CA
living, and loving people. in the midst of my humanity.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Ginger Bread Houses

I suppose I have always been a sucker for traditions. I have always felt that a tradition, no matter how silly it seems is important to have and to continue.
Many Years ago a dear friend of mine and I started a tradition. A tradition to build ginger bread houses with friends. Some we know and some we don't, the point being able to be creative and well not so creative in some ways. wink. I love that we started that tradition even though we now live miles apart. I always think of Jana and I talking about it and everyone thinking we where crazy for coming up with the idea, and then really enjoying there time once creating.
Tonight I ended up serving frosting most of the night. Which made me have an interesting view of the night. Peoples Personalities really come out while being creative. There is the focused person, who sticks there tongue out while working, and can barely look up at those around them. The Carefree person who just is excited about all the colors. The Dreamer who can make any pile of candy look like something magical and believe that it is. The Precise person who's every candy piece is lined up and colors rotated perfectly. The People Person...who could care less about the actual house and often forgets to even decorate the house. The Observers who are content to just be in the midst of good friends, eating candy as we all chat. 

So I suppose my thoughts are as these. Make some traditions this year...or go back to the ones that you have done and look at them in a new light. Enjoy the uniqueness of all gathered and celebrate that. I am speaking to myself here too. Fun. 

1 comment:

Jana said...

YAY!!! :) i SOO miss doing gingerbread houses w/ everyone! that was one of the best ideas we had yet! i'm not kidding - such fun memories! i told dan we needed to get that started here w/ our kids - what better "building time" than that?? maybe one day soon we can do it together again! i love you!

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