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Santa Cruz, CA
living, and loving people. in the midst of my humanity.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Water pressure

At Edge last night while calling for the Jr High Students to come back into the room so that we could begin the Games ohh the Lovely Games.

As I look off in the distance I spot 5 students jumping, which is not unusual to jump while in jr high. But was odd was the moment after the jumping ceased The jumping ceased and then "old faithful" on the upper west side appeared. 

Ahh Crap! Just beautiful...the conversation went like this:

Me: wow what happened?
Dani: wee wee I'm trying to stop the water (while holding a plastic pan over the geyser) This is SOOOO Fun Melinda.

Me: uhh huuh, that's Cool. What happened guys?
Henry: oh ohh ok so we where jumping
Dani: And Making a house.
Henry: and well, the board just swung around and hit that thing.
Gage: oooh and it was Awesome Melinda the Water just Shot up!!
Simon: oooh so cool it was like sweeesh, and I was like Ahhhhh...And then we ran!!

I called some people, and brought the Jr Higher's all back inside (who had all now gathered watching the natural wonder)...sweet things.

Quite the night. Lets just say the energy was high from that moment on. 

1 comment:

Jana said...

LOL!!! Ooooh the inevitable chaos that ensues whenever jr. highers are present!! ;)

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