About Me

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Santa Cruz, CA
living, and loving people. in the midst of my humanity.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Friday 1st Revisited

Well hello friends...
a long time ago I spoke of how my Friday's are first, a day off, and second a day to do something new. Unfortunately, with the last few months me being perpetually out of t
own, i fear that i have allowed this fantastic tradition slide. 
So after my wonderful friday I realized after ranting and raving about the new fun things I had done...i was reminded that indeed I was still following the habit that brought me such joy!
So this is what I did today on my friday 1st:

  • Rode in a cable car for some snacks.
  • Was in awe of all the pretty scenery...and when the Cable car stopped I fell down. Nice. I just get to excited about pretty things.
  • Ate appetizers (ok so I ate a late lunch and didn't actually eat there...shoot) at shadow Brook for the first time.
  • Put 8 people in a 7 person capacity cable car
  • Ate real dinner at Restaurante Italiano
  • had two sauces on my Ravioli. 
  • Ate dinner in an Old Hospital (Yeah RI Santa Cruz's old hospital, Pherf's mom was born there we found the records, fun)
Well that's about it for my Friday firsts...and tomorrow is just as lovely.

1 comment:

Eliza said...

Fun fun! I love it! I also love that you got to see Bon Jovi!

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