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Santa Cruz, CA
living, and loving people. in the midst of my humanity.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Time in the Lodge!

EDGE Snow Trip 08

Last Night I had a fantastic time with my Jr High girls as they prank called people from my phone, ate cookie dough and hung out in our room. 

Jr Highers wander in the snow...
We sit in the lodge. 

wanted to get some research done, but with only 1 hour left on my laptop and the plugs are not working on the entire wall, I'm not sure how much one will get done. It just seems Ironic you know! 

Good news is the kids are happy on the mountain and its actually quite quiet. 

Also I just found out that NOw available is Amy Grant's Music remastered!! Wow what am I doing here!!

1 comment:

Jana said...

AMY GRANT REMASTERED?!!! NO WAY! ;) WHERE'S LIZA?? *looking around frantically*

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