About Me

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Santa Cruz, CA
living, and loving people. in the midst of my humanity.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


I Know I Know, where have I been??? Who starts a quest and then leaves you hanging. Sorry about that, it was no intention of mine to leave such a cliff hanger :) especially with all my million readers out there. :) details.

We had to venture out of Town for a few days and we didn't take our Computer, and we acted like tourist. And it was amazing. I think heading away even for a night from time to time is a wonderful way of getting away from the norm. Our time away though brief & was soo wonderful!

These are Days 5 & 4 in our Countdown. I combined them because they really go hand in hand. Not to mention my absence. details.


You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving. ~Author Unknown

The biggest things society tell us is "its all about you". The biggest things scripture tells us is to (Matthew 22: 37-39) " 1st love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind... and the 2nd is to "Love your Neighbor as yourself". It is the way my husband loves God, and loves others with out a doubt is one of the first things that I fell in love with him. For us marriage has been about living that our daily.

My husband in his sweet humility often hides from me and the camera as I try to capture him
working around our home.
We enjoy a mutual serving of each other, from bring one blackberries in the morning, to picking up someones dry cleaning, to listening to music that ones loves... and the other doesn't. Its the simple things that keep us serving each other.

When you serve together your heart grows fonder together, because you both deeply love what you are committed to. The first part of our relationship Pherf and I met while i worked at high street. We both have grown so much in those years since.

This year we served together at high street until June. To the very end of our time there we loved and loved well. Serving together as a married couple was beyond what I expected.

1 Peter 4:10

"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms."

If you know us you know we both have very different gifting, but we have one gift that is the same, we love people and love to serve them when we can. Our prayer is that this will only grow stronger with each new day.

The best is we have indeed grown by far. Walking through difficult situations, our Friendship is deeper in just 365 days.

When you live with a person you have the opportunity to KNOW them. The Koenig's KNOW much more of who God created us to be. We have seen when each of us are at their breaking point, and we smile at it now... not the smile of annoyance but the smile that says i understand. It is there...we see the Growth of our marriage when we know we need to leave, and when we need to be silent and when we need to just embrace the other. Growth happens in many ways.

We had the sweet opportunity to counsel my sweet cousin Gina and Patrick. We loved talking about marriage with them, we loved talking about life, finances, and challenges that would be ahead. I preformed my first wedding for my baby cousin, it was such a joy, and could not have done it with out my sweet husband.

As the cheesy but true analogy, goes we have planted seeds in rich soil... and our lives are growing deep roots in our love with GROWTH, SERVANT HOOD, JOY, & STEADFASTNESS!

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