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Santa Cruz, CA
living, and loving people. in the midst of my humanity.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Spiritual Direction

Reason and Thoughts on Choosing a Spiritual Director... 

This is something that I have thought about since my friend Mitch in YFC started talking about his new spiritual director 4 years ago at a Student Led Ministry team Retreat, I was at in so cal. Since then it has always been something on my mind and I thought to myself off and on through the years, why not?

They seem to many to be something that is strange, but most often foreign. I will have to say that this has been something that I have pushed away as something that is for "other people" and not me. However, as we walk through ministry, (now entering my 6 th year of Full Time Youth Ministry, wow) if we do not take time to invest in our own relationship with Christ, how can we expect that we will continue living healthy personally, as well as having a healthy ministry. We cannot. 

I have over the last year been attending once a month spiritual retreats from Eagles Wings actually led by my pastor and his wife which have indeed brought me life. So much life that I believe it has prompted me to take the next step. Also I am planning on attending a Spiritual Retreat Weekend with Jayne Price, through Mount Hermon...cuz sometimes you need so life breathed into ya. It starts on Halloween and its for the weekend, and I am excited because Jayne is amazing and she has told me wonderful things about it. 
So I write here that I am looking into finding finally a spiritual director. Pray for me and guidance, as well as an openness. If you are in ministry or have been a christian for a while its something that I would encourage. Because I have waited way too long...it would be a shame if you did too. So I sit resting in his presence and taking in all that he has in front of me as gifts & beauty. 

PS. I don't think I am lost spiritually just paying attention to the fact that MY walk is so important that I need to pay attention to it. So please don't call for fear that I am loosing it... just know I value your prayers. Know that I am excited to see What God is beginning to do in me yet once again. 


Anonymous said...

Have you thought about going on a missions trip to another country? Nothing brought me a closer feeling to MY walk than when I went to India to work with the people in the AIDs hospice.

It brings you completely out of your comfort zone and forces you to seek comfort where you are supposed to.

Also it grounds you into looking at just what aspects of your life you took for granted but continued to be blessed with.

Eliza said...

So is a spiritual director kind of like a mentor?

Alisa Marie said...

good idea mel! the heart pumps blood to itself before it pumps blood to the rest of the body.

take care of your heart.

Melinda said...

This Topic is so hard and I suppose its why its taken me 6 years to actually do something about it : )

My desire is to grow in a deeper relationship with God, my creator...something that is in an on going basis.

a Mentor is someone that teaches you and walks along side you.

a spiritual Director asks you the hard questions, as well as pointing out things that God is doing in your life, in an objective way.

the heart is being taken care of...that's the idea.

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