About Me

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Santa Cruz, CA
living, and loving people. in the midst of my humanity.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ride along

I almost forgot...

Tomorrow or that is Today the 30th... I am doing a ride a long with the boy. I am nervous but excited about seeing his world. 

Pray for us. And our safety. Shoot I always pray for his safety.

love you all!

I should sleep now


Jana said...

how fun!! you must blog about it when you get back! and YES, be safe!! i'll pray for you guys today :)

Melinda said...

thanks... whoo hoo.

a bunch of my friends just game over running around the house clearing the room and shooting those darts they give you at YS for free! Its like having Josh and ryan in the house sometimes when our guy friends come over. Ohh man the fun we have with those!! I need to order more for the house.

ha ha the house not the youth room. ha ha

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walking boldly as though nothing can
hold you