About Me

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Santa Cruz, CA
living, and loving people. in the midst of my humanity.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

on fine night...

What does one say when their heart cannot say anymore.

Have you ever felt so happy and so excited in on fine moment that you have no words...
Have you ever felt so surprised that in one fine moment you have no words...
Have you ever known that with all your heart sitting before you is the man you want to spend the rest of your life with is in front of you on one knee, asking you to spend the rest of your life together. 
I have never felt so loved, I have never felt so special, I have never been so happy!

How did it happen how does our story of the boy and I begin?

We have been dating just shy of 1 year (one week and 1 day from when he asked me)

There feels like so much to tell. I will be back to share... Know I am loved and my heart is in a whirlwind :)


Mommy Diffee said...

Congrats! That is super exciting!

Melinda said...

ahh thanks! Yes Super exciting is the word for sure

Autie April said...

Oh my Gosh, how did I miss this big event in your life Muppit? Congratulations! I am so happy happy for you!

God Bless!

"Auntie April"

Live Life

walking boldly as though nothing can
hold you